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#  Bleaching and environmental data for global coral reef sites
#  PI: Robert van Woesik (Florida Institute of Technology)
#  Co-PI: Deron Burkepile (UC Santa Barbara)
#  Version history:
#   2022-10-14 (v2) - dataset updated to version 2.
#   2019-07-18 (v1) - version 1.
Site_ID  Sample_ID  Data_Source  Latitude_Degrees  Longitude_Degrees  Ocean_Name       Reef_ID                       Realm_Name                    Ecoregion_Name                                                             Country_Name                                          State_Island_Province_Name                     City_Town_Name                                                     Site_Name                                      Distance_to_Shore  Exposure      Turbidity     Cyclone_Frequency  Date_Day  Date_Month  Date_Year  Depth_m        Substrate_Name                  Percent_Cover  Bleaching_Level  Percent_Bleaching  ClimSST        Temperature_Kelvin  Temperature_Mean  Temperature_Minimum  Temperature_Maximum  Temperature_Kelvin_Standard_Deviation  Windspeed      SSTA       SSTA_Standard_Deviation  SSTA_Mean  SSTA_Minimum    SSTA_Maximum  SSTA_Frequency  SSTA_Frequency_Standard_Deviation  SSTA_FrequencyMax  SSTA_FrequencyMean  SSTA_DHW        SSTA_DHW_Standard_Deviation  SSTA_DHWMax  SSTA_DHWMean  TSA        TSA_Standard_Deviation  TSA_Minimum     TSA_Maximum  TSA_Mean        TSA_Frequency  TSA_Frequency_Standard_Deviation  TSA_FrequencyMax  TSA_FrequencyMean  TSA_DHW         TSA_DHW_Standard_Deviation  TSA_DHWMax      TSA_DHWMean  Date         Site_Comments                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Sample_Comments                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Bleaching_Comments                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
2501     10324336   Donner       23.163            -82.526            Atlantic         nd                            Tropical Atlantic             Cuba and Cayman Islands                                                    Cuba                                                  Havana                                         Havana                                                             Puntilla                                       8519.23            Exposed       0.0287        49.90              15        9           2005       10             nd                              nd             nd               50.2               301.61         302.05              300.67            296.72               304.69               1.6                                    8              -0.46      1                        0          -3.56           2.24          0               3.13                               17                 3                   0               1.63                         7.88         0.98          -0.8       1.6                     -6.12           1.83         -2.17           0              1.09                              5                 0                  0               0.74                        7.25            0.18         2005-09-15   nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
3467     10324754   Donner       -17.575           -149.7833          Pacific          nd                            Eastern Indo-Pacific          Society Islands French Polynesia                                           French Polynesia                                      Society Islands                                Moorea                                                             nd                                             1431.62            Exposed       0.0262        51.20              15        3           1991       14             nd                              nd             nd               50.7               262.15         303.30              300.73            297.58               305.01               1.12                                   2              1.29       1                        0          -2.73           3.1           0.5             2.77                               13.25              2                   0.26            1.48                         11.41        0.72          1.29       1.12                    -4.42           3.00         -1.26           0.25           0.93                              4                 0                  0.26            0.67                        4.65            0.19         1991-03-15   The bleaching does not  appear to have gained in intensity since it was first noticed in February.  By March 27% of all coral colonies  at a depth of 9 m; on the outer reef slope on the north coast of Moorea; were affected; with 17% partly bleached and 10       The bleaching does not  appear to have gained in intensity since it was first noticed in February.  By March 27% of all coral colonies  at a depth of 9 m; on the outer reef slope on the north coast of Moorea; were affected; with 17% partly bleached and 10       nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
1794     10323866   Donner       18.369            -64.564            Atlantic         nd                            Tropical Atlantic             Hispaniola Puerto Rico and Lesser Antilles                                 United Kingdom                                        British Virgin Islands                         Peter Island                                                       Coral Gardens                                  182.33             Exposed       0.0429        61.52              15        1           2006       7              nd                              nd             nd               50.9               298.79         299.18              300.32            297.12               304.14               1.22                                   8              0.04       1                        0          -2.92           2.83          16              4.52                               23                 3                   0               2.45                         16.24        1.26          -2.64      1.22                    -4.69           2.31         -1.49           7              1.31                              7                 0                  0               1.04                        11.66           0.26         2006-01-15   nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
8647     10328028   Donner       17.76             -64.568            Atlantic         nd                            Tropical Atlantic             Hispaniola Puerto Rico and Lesser Antilles                                 United States                                         US Virgin Islands                              St. Croix                                                          3219                                           313.13             Exposed       0.0424        65.39              15        4           2006       9.02           nd                              nd             nd               50.9               300.16         299.61              300.38            297.25               304.07               1.19                                   3              -0.07      1                        0          -2.77           2.47          22              4.75                               24                 3                   0               2.37                         16.73        1.07          -2.27      1.19                    -4.63           2.19         -1.49           3              0.94                              4                 0                  0               0.75                        5.64            0.2          2006-04-15   nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
8648     10328029   Donner       17.769            -64.583            Atlantic         nd                            Tropical Atlantic             Hispaniola Puerto Rico and Lesser Antilles                                 United States                                         US Virgin Islands                              St. Croix                                                          3194                                           792                Exposed       0.0424        65.39              15        4           2006       12.50          nd                              nd             nd               50.9               300.15         299.7               300.38            296.63               303.76               1.18                                   3              0          1                        0          -2.84           2.3           16              4.16                               20                 3                   0               2.24                         13.86        1.16          -2.19      1.18                    -5.25           1.87         -1.5            3              1.33                              5                 0                  0               0.92                        6.89            0.25         2006-04-15   nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
2180     10324021   Donner       9.822             -75.891            Atlantic         nd                            Tropical Atlantic             Netherlands Antilles and south Caribbean                                   Colombia                                              Sucre                                          San Bernardo Islands                                               Bajo Tio Solda                                 4569.6             Sometimes     0.0954        51.54              15        8           2005       11.5           nd                              nd             nd               51                 302.63         303.22              302.02            298.22               305.48               1.08                                   1              0.27       1                        0          -4.06           2.73          5               4.71                               20                 4                   4.28            2.46                         18.96        1.6           0.17       1.08                    -4.82           2.42         -1.02           2              2.29                              11                2                  2.21            1.47                        14.4            0.64         2005-08-15   nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
9298     10328657   Donner       17.811            -64.63             Atlantic         nd                            Tropical Atlantic             Hispaniola Puerto Rico and Lesser Antilles                                 United States                                         US Virgin Islands                              St. Croix                                                          H11                                            2399.36            Exposed       0.0372        65.39              15        10          2005       27.7           nd                              nd             nd               51.3               301.19         302.12              300.38            296.98               303.86               1.19                                   6              0.29       1                        0          -2.81           2.37          19              4.81                               23                 3                   11.61           2.29                         15.21        1.09          0.25       1.19                    -4.88           1.99         -1.48           6              1.24                              6                 0                  6.89            0.77                        6.89            0.22         2005-10-15   nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
5371     10325106   Donner       -3.99             39.75              Indian           nd                            Western Indo-Pacific          Kenya and Tanzania coast                                                   Kenya                                                 Mombasa County                                 Mombasa Marine Park                                                Coral Gardens                                  1004.93            Sheltered     0.0432        42.61              15        5           1998       nd             nd                              nd             nd               51.38              299.88         301.88              299.97            295.39               304.3                1.49                                   7              0.91       1                        0          -3.21           4.12          15              3.85                               17                 5                   14.76           2.43                         17.69        1.78          0.17       1.49                    -6.31           2.58         -1.72           9              1.99                              9                 1                  12.33           1.47                        14.61           0.47         1998-05-15   % bleached = Bleaching Index                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          % bleached = Bleaching Index                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
9160     10328498   Donner       25.425            -80.161            Atlantic         nd                            Tropical Atlantic             Bahamas and Florida Keys                                                   United States                                         Florida                                        Miami-Dade County                                                  Mid-channel patch reef south                   3920.39            Sometimes     0.1636        58.01              15        9           2005       4.05           nd                              nd             nd               51.4               300.56         302.62              299.73            294.44               305.55               2.47                                   8              0.35       1                        0          -4.47           3.18          3               3.79                               19                 6                   1.53            2.76                         19.09        2.31          -0.57      2.47                    -8.75           2.35         -3.45           0              0.89                              4                 0                  0               0.61                        5.15            0.18         2005-09-15   nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
499      10322424   Donner       -19.1975          146.815            Pacific          nd                            Central Indo-Pacific          Central and northern Great Barrier Reef                                    Australia                                             Queensland                                     Middle Reef                                                        Nelly                                          2750.37            Sheltered     0.2197        43.52              15        3           1998       nd             nd                              nd             nd               51.53              300.64         302.41              299.2             292.58               306.14               2.93                                   4              0.63       1                        0          -3.34           3.61          7               6.25                               30                 8                   10.11           3.89                         23.47        2.89          -0.17      2.93                    -10             3.55         -3.37           5              2.08                              9                 1                  7.96            2.1                         17.81           0.68         1998-03-15   nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
8649     10328030   Donner       17.793            -64.628            Atlantic         nd                            Tropical Atlantic             Hispaniola Puerto Rico and Lesser Antilles                                 United States                                         US Virgin Islands                              St. Croix                                                          3255                                           439.36             Exposed       0.0372        65.39              15        4           2006       4.82           nd                              nd             nd               51.7               300.17         299.7               300.38            296.98               303.86               1.19                                   3              0          1                        0          -2.81           2.37          18              4.81                               23                 3                   0               2.29                         15.21        1.09          -2.16      1.19                    -4.88           1.99         -1.48           6              1.24                              6                 0                  0               0.77                        6.89            0.22         2006-04-15   nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
9299     10328658   Donner       17.767            -64.621            Atlantic         nd                            Tropical Atlantic             Hispaniola Puerto Rico and Lesser Antilles                                 United States                                         US Virgin Islands                              St. Croix                                                          H116                                           1176.53            Sometimes     0.0631        65.39              15        10          2005       9.8            nd                              nd             nd               51.7               301.24         302.44              300.38            296.63               303.7                1.2                                    6              0.56       1                        0          -2.86           2.64          14              4.43                               25                 3                   12.29           2.27                         14.49        1.14          0.53       1.2                     -5.27           1.78         -1.52           4              1.11                              6                 0                  4.84            0.81                        7.13            0.21         2005-10-15   nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
1596     10323716   Donner       16.533            -87.979            Atlantic         nd                            Tropical Atlantic             Belize and west Caribbean                                                  Belize                                                Stann Creek District                           Placencia                                                          (5) Gladden Spit                               8871.56            Exposed       0.061         68.53              15        10          2005       9              nd                              nd             nd               51.8               301.18         301.49              301.23            297.7                305.65               1.32                                   8              -0.7       1                        0          -3.66           3.08          8               3.98                               23                 5                   5.3             2.25                         13.5         1.83          -1.1       1.32                    -4.88           3.05         -1.35           4              1.69                              7                 1                  5.24            1.35                        9.72            0.59         2005-10-15   nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
8650     10328033   Donner       17.784            -64.609            Atlantic         nd                            Tropical Atlantic             Hispaniola Puerto Rico and Lesser Antilles                                 United States                                         US Virgin Islands                              St. Croix                                                          3144                                           435.67             Sometimes     0.0631        65.39              15        4           2006       14.51          nd                              nd             nd               51.8               300.15         299.7               300.38            296.63               303.76               1.18                                   3              0          1                        0          -2.84           2.3           16              4.16                               20                 3                   0               2.24                         13.86        1.16          -2.19      1.18                    -5.25           1.87         -1.5            3              1.33                              5                 0                  0               0.92                        6.89            0.25         2006-04-15   nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
9161     10328499   Donner       18.348            -64.781            Atlantic         nd                            Tropical Atlantic             Hispaniola Puerto Rico and Lesser Antilles                                 United States                                         US Virgin Islands                              St John                                                            Hawksnest Bay                                  148.15             Sheltered     0.0477        85.57              15        9           2005       3              nd                              nd             nd               51.8               301.81         302.13              300.35            296.95               303.97               1.21                                   4              0.31       1                        0          -2.93           2.35          12              4.3                                22                 3                   13.84           2.13                         13.84        1.1           0.23       1.21                    -4.94           2.06         -1.54           3              1.21                              6                 0                  4.43            0.79                        7.27            0.22         2005-09-15   nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
6544     10327014   Donner       18.288            -87.82             Atlantic         nd                            Tropical Atlantic             Belize and west Caribbean                                                  Mexico                                                Quintana Roo                                   Othon P. Blanco                                                    Xc Fd 1                                        1412.4             Exposed       0.0349        52.62              15        8           2005       15             nd                              nd             nd               52                 302.28         301.48              300.9             296.71               304.89               1.3                                    5              -0.6       1                        0          -3.16           4.49          9               3.52                               16                 4                   6.59            2.27                         14.12        1.58          -0.8       1.3                     -5.56           2.6          -1.37           1              1.33                              7                 1                  1.19            1.14                        6.82            0.48         2005-08-15   nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
8399     10327607   Donner       11.324            -60.616            Atlantic         nd                            Tropical Atlantic             Hispaniola Puerto Rico and Lesser Antilles                                 Trinidad and Tobago                                   Eastern Tobago                                 Anse Fourmi                                                        Brother's Rocks West                           481.51             Exposed       0.0643        52.79              15        11          2005       12             nd                              nd             nd               52                 262.15         300.86              300.36            297.15               304.30               1.20                                   6              -0.30      1                        0          -3.11           3.68          23.5            5.34                               25.75              4.75                7.59            2.90                         20.80        1.70          -1.07      1.20                    -4.76           2.37         -1.54           4.75           1.60                              6.25              1                  6.22            1.23                        9.18            0.44         2005-11-15   nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
8565     10327825   Donner       0.8               -176.6             Pacific          nd                            Eastern Indo-Pacific          Phoenix Islands central Kiribati                                           United States                                         United States Minor Outlying Islands           Howland Island                                                     Southwest                                      1411.89            Exposed       0.0445        47.12              15        2           2010       nd             nd                              nd             nd               52                 300.68         301.68              301.3             297.38               304.77               1.21                                   6              1.12       1                        0          -3.42           4.17          19              10.2                               47                 10                  20.34           5.43                         28.22        3.73          -0.06      1.21                    -4.36           3.02         -0.43           16             6.45                              30                5                  10.84           3.52                        18.17           1.87         2010-02-15   nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
8952     10328272   Donner       25.332            -80.181            Atlantic         nd                            Tropical Atlantic             Bahamas and Florida Keys                                                   United States                                         Florida                                        Miami-Dade County                                                  Low-relief hard-bottom SW of                   6212.5             Exposed       0.1093        55.99              15        8           2005       3.75           nd                              nd             nd               52                 302.4          303.13              299.75            294.45               305.11               2.38                                   3              0.06       1                        0          -3.96           2.6           3               4.13                               20                 5                   1.93            2.49                         14.31        1.96          0.06       2.38                    -8.61           2.03         -3.31           0              0.93                              4                 0                  0               0.62                        5.17            0.18         2005-08-15   nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
9390     10328768   Donner       17.935            -67.019            Atlantic         nd                            Tropical Atlantic             Hispaniola Puerto Rico and Lesser Antilles                                 United States                                         Puerto Rico                                    Lajas                                                              Turrumote                                      107.64             Exposed       0.0816        59.79              15        12          2005       16.5           nd                              nd             nd               52                 299.53         300.14              300.76            296.39               304.94               1.14                                   7              -0.34      1                        0          -3.10           2.8           17              4.3                                26                 2                   1.02            2.04                         16.89        0.9           -2.07      1.14                    -5.81           2.73         -1.44           3              1.1                               4                 0                  0               0.71                        4.72            0.19         2005-12-15   nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
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